Can You Fly With CBD?

can you fly with cbd

Yes, you can fly with CBD as long as it is pure hemp-derived and contains THC under the legal limit of 0.3%. If you carry something other than CBD gummies, such as cream or liquid, in your carry-on, it must be under three ounces (3 oz). If you travel with CBD vape pens, you can only carry it in your carry-on, not checked baggage.

While you can travel on a plane with CBD, learn about your state laws. Also, your pass depends on your TSA officer. If they get it wrong, they will confiscate your CBD. Only a few states allow carrying CBD for medicinal use. South Dakota, Nebraska, and Idaho do not legalize flying with CBD.

We recommend checking all international laws before reaching the airport with CBD. Most countries, including Armenia, Bolivia, and Singapore, prohibit CBD and consider it illegal.

TSA Guidelines/Conditions for Carrying CBD on the Plane

tsa guidelines for carrying cbd on the plane

According to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), you can fly with FDA-approved or hemp-derived CBD oil. The product should contain 0.3% or less THC, which is the legal requirement. If you buy our CBD products or from another reputable company, you have it covered because all our products are legal.

However, not even the TSA can instantly determine the CBD content in your product because there is no on-site testing. So, when you decide to fly with CBD carts, edibles, and oil but worry about them getting confiscated, print off the official test report or the certificate of analysis (COA) to show the amount of THC. You can find these lab test results on every product page.

What Is CBD: Uses, Benefits, and More

Choosing the Right CBD for Traveling

You can not do something different with CBD products just because of traveling. However, to avoid worrying about airport regulations, choose edibles or subtle products like CBD capsules or soft gels instead of liquid. Also, ensure the product is Farm Bill compliant and contains no more than 0.3% THC.

Anybody will hardly check if you have regular oil, skincare products, or CBD oil with you. So, don’t look strange acting like you have something to hide. Keep it above like regular products instead of hiding it deep. Remember to keep the oil in your carry-on so that you can show the documents if necessary instead of becoming part of an embarrassing scene.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is CBD allowed on planes?

Usually, yes. The TSA typically allows CBD products derived from pure hemp on planes. However, always check and comply with the laws of your departure and arrival locations.

Is it legal to take CBD on an airplane?

Yes, hemp-derived CBD is federally legal, but different states have unique laws. Ensure your CBD product is Farm Bill compliant and adheres to state laws. It must not contain more than 0.3% THC.

Can I bring CBD on a domestic flight?

In the United States, you may bring hemp-derived CBD products like edibles on a domestic flight. Carry it in the original packaging with a clear label stating its CBD content.

Can you bring CBD cream on a plane?

TSA guidelines generally allow carrying CBD products, such as CBD creams and topicals, in carry-on bags. However, ensure it is THC-free or contains no more than 0.3% of it.

Can I fly with hemp?

You can fly with hemp if you comply with state and federal laws.

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