Unveiling the Differences: THC-O vs. Delta-8 Cannabinoids

Unveiling the Differences: THC-O vs. Delta-8 Cannabinoids

All hemp-derived cannabinoids are popular. However, some are more well-known than their counterparts. For instance, Delta-8 dominates the market alongside CBD. But THC-O is relatively new and is yet to find its way into the user base. So, what’s THC-O, and what should you know about it?

Firstly, THC-O is more potent than its trending cousins. Since it comes from hemp, it is legal in the US, especially where the recreational market is not yet established.

However, since the law considers chemically modified or synthetic compounds federally illegal, customers should inspect their chosen THC-O product to be on the safe side.

There is much to learn about THC-O, despite prevalent research. Understanding all its aspects can help determine whether it is safe and effective. We will share everything you need to know about THC-O here.

What is THC-O and Where it is Found?

Just like the full name of D8 Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), THC-O is THC-O acetate. It may be new to the modern generation, but we traced its initial research phase to the 1940s.

THC-O is not available like many other cannabinoids. Instead, manufacturers convert CBD to Delta-8 or different THC and add Acetic Anhydride to make it an acetate; in this case, THC-O acetate.

Although you know how to make it, avoid trying it at home because Acetic Anhydride is corrosive, flammable, and dangerous unless used in a highly controlled laboratory.

Is THC-O Stronger Than Weed?

Since weed is a holistic word, we will address THC. Is THC-O more potent than THC? Yes. While we lack enough research to make scientific claims, we can predict it to be at least three times stronger than THC.

This prediction comes from the experiences THC-O users shared. According to them, this cannabinoid hits stronger than weed. It may also produce high levels of euphoria.

Is THC-O Weed?

It is a synthetic cannabinoid. It does not occur naturally in hemp plants, such as other compounds like CBD, CBG, and CBN. Weed is natural; often, any cannabinoid containing more than 0.3% THC is called weed. However, those who use cannabis believe anything derived from this plant family is weed.

Does Delta-8 have THC?

Whenever people use the term THC, they usually refer to Delta-8. It is a naturally occurring psychoactive compound in hemp plants with similar characteristics to its cousin Delta-9, and both of them have enough THC strength to create euphoria. But D8 is less potent than D9.

Getting back to it, how does THC-O feel, and how does it differ from Delta-8?

Delta-8 is less intoxicating than Delta-9. So, it is evident that it will be significantly lesser than THC-O. D8 is known for its euphoric effects, but THC-O is not only stronger than D8 and D9 but also Delta-10 and most regular THC.

Some users report experiencing heightened spiritual levels that can bridge the gap between mild high and hallucinogenic. But the effects depend on the tolerance levels of the user.

So, in terms of THC-O VS Delta-8 potency, the newer compound is the winner.

How to Take THC-O?

how to take thc-o

THC-O is usually a dense brown liquid in its finished form. Manufacturers infuse it with different products like edibles, tinctures, and cartridges. You can choose any convenient method. It typically takes 20-30 minutes to show effects.

What are the Effects of THC-O?

Even though we do not know everything about this chemical, overusing it may cause anxiety and restlessness. You may experience lethargy, dry mouth, and red eyes. Despite the probable side effects, THC-O has gained steady popularity since it entered the hemp market. We recommend strictly adhering to the recommended dosage to enjoy its benefits without the side effects.

Final words

Delta-8 and THC-O are two very different cannabinoids. While the latter is newer and lacks enough evidence, users report it to be a very potent cannabinoid that surpasses regular THC.

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