HHC and Drug Tests: Detection and Implications

HHC and Drug Tests: Detection and Implications

Cannabinoids, of which tetrahydrocannabinol, or "THC," is one, are found in cannabis plants. Over a hundred cannabinoids have been identified by scientists.

Hydrogenated THC is called Hexahydrocannabinol, or HHC for short. A technique known as hydrogenation is utilized in a manner analogous to this one to transform vegetable oil into margarine. To put it simply, while making HHC, hydrogen atoms are added to the chemical structure of THC to bring an additional layer of stability to the chemical structure of the compound.

In this blog, you will learn in detail about HHC and would also be getting an answer to the question ‘does HHC show up on drug tests?’

Note: HHC has only recently entered the market, and only a small number of vendors are selling it, primarily through the use of vape carts, making it difficult to make sense of. However, the particular cannabinoid has a great deal of promise, so you should expect to hear more about it shortly.

Does HHC Get You High?

This is a question most frequently asked by cannabis lovers all over quora platforms and on the internet.

The effects of HHC are extremely comparable to those induced by THC, including modifications to both the user's visual and aural perceptions.

Some people who use HHC report that it has effects that are less exciting and more soothing, comparable to Delta 8.

Some consumers of HHC place it anywhere between Delta 8 and Delta 9 THC, citing it as more soothing rather than exciting, and they place it in this range.

Few studies have been done to study this, but given how similar HHC is to THC, it may have many of the same benefits.

The chemical structure of HHC indicates that the cannabinoid provides many of the same medicinal and health benefits as THC does; nevertheless, there haven't been a lot of studies done to study its potential use in medicine.

What is HHC?

How Long Does HHC Last?

HHC produces effects that are similar to those produced by THC, although they remain for a significantly longer time. THC is more susceptible to damage from heat and ultraviolet light than HHC. Even though there hasn't been a lot of research done on HHC's safety yet, everything points to the fact that it isn't any riskier than THC.

The duration of HHC and THC's effects is the primary distinction between the two cannabinoids. The effects that are produced by HHC can continue for as long as 12 hours, whereas the effects that are produced by THC only endure for a handful of hours.

Because of this, HHC is a better option for people who desire help with their symptoms that lasts for a longer period. It is essential to keep in mind, however, that the effects of HHC can last for a different amount of time in different people.

HHC VS Delta-8: Are They Different? How?

How Long Does HHC Stay In Your System?

how long does hhc stay in your system

The half-life of HHC is comparable to, if not longer than, that of other commercially available cannabinoids like Delta 8 and Delta 9. It's a chemical that, to be passed on, must first bind to the receptors in the body. It turns out that despite their differences, these compounds all pass through the body pretty much the same way, with HHC just hanging for a tiny bit longer.

Although HHC's effects last longer than those of famous cannabinoids like Delta 8, for example, HHC itself is not particularly powerful. This means our time chart could be somewhat inaccurate.

  • Blood HHC levels can be measured for up to 2 days after exposure.
  • Saliva can be tested for HHC for up to 2 days after use.
  • You can track HHC use in your urine for up to 48 days.
  • The hair can retain HHC for up to 90 days after exposure.
Pro Tip: Preparation and letting the medication leave your system beforehand are always wise before undergoing a drug test. Do not depend on the above time chart, but use it as a guide. You should plan ahead of time to eliminate all traces of drugs from your system, ideally a few weeks before you have to take a test.

Does HHC Show Up on Drug Tests?

HHC drug testing has one benefit. It's one of the very few potent cannabinoids that can evade drug tests because it's not a THC molecule. Old, obsolete drug screening software is still being upgraded to reflect new cannabinoids on sale, and HHC could be among them.

While legally allowed, several states have prohibited Delta 8, and Delta 10, as well as other cannabinoids. HHC isn't as well-known as others, therefore drug testing software and devices may miss it. However, it may detect HHC as a cannabis extract and associate it with other THC chemicals. Drug testing software and device manufacturers are continually seeking to improve.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Does HHC show up in urine test?

    HHC may show up in a urine test, but it depends on the specific compounds the test is designed to detect. HHC remains in the urine for about 48 days upon frequent consumption. However, you should check with the testing facility for accurate information.

    Will HHC fail my drug test?

    It depends on the test type and its sensitivity to specific compounds. While we think you’re unlikely to fail a test after HHC consumption, it is best to consult the testing provider first.

    Can HHC be detected in blood test?

    Like many cannabinoids, HHC has a distinct color. The scent’s strength can differ. So, if you are smoking it, be mindful of your surroundings.

    Does HHC give you red eyes?

    Different individuals react differently to HHC consumption. However, red eyes are not a common effect associated with HHC.

    Can you smell HHC?

    Like many cannabinoids, HHC has a distinct color. The scent’s strength can differ. So, if you are smoking it, be mindful of your surroundings.

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